Vertoe Customers Stories: Oliver’s Story

Vertoe has well wishers all around the world and one of them recently submitted a very special story that had helped her friends discover Vertoe while struggling with luggage storage in New York City and we are happy to publish it as part of our Vertoe Travel Tales initiative! We exist to serve our customers and ensure they have a delightful experience. As part of the Travel Tales initiative, we will be regularly featuring great customer stories. With that thought, here is our very first Vertoe Travel Tale: Oliver’s story —
‘My newlywed friend went to Florida for her honeymoon last month. I guess you can’t take the Disney out of her! Anyway, her new ‘very-willing to please’ husband agreed. He also had work along the way in New York City. He’s a sweet lad.
On their way back to London from Orlando, they had a 13 hour layover in NYC. Unfortunately they could not check-in their luggage all the way to London, for they were changing airline carriers. They had to carry their luggage with them to the city from the airport. Her husband, Oliver, had a meeting with his clients who were designers for a big American brand, and he was to show them samples of fabrics he had to offer them for Fall 2017. They took a taxi to Penn station with 3 suitcases out of which one was his sample bag.
My friend Alisha did not mind a trip to the city herself. She believes much in self prescribed retail therapy. She was more than thrilled to get into the City and shop, while Oliver finished work, till they met later in the day to get on their flight back to London. Also, if you haven’t already assumed, Oliver would carry all 3 pieces of luggage to this meeting he had. He was not very happy about it as you could imagine. Walking into a Starbucks (that’s where he had the meeting) with 3 big pieces of luggage would not be fun in the very least. Being the problem solver he is, he searched the Internet for some baggage storage in the area. And he was in luck! Welcome Vertoe. Or should I say if I were Oliver, Thank God someone thought of Vertoe!
What worked best was that they also had Vertoe Location at Penn station. He dropped his excess baggage and went for his meeting a very happy man. And it cost him barely $7.5 per bag for storing them for a day!
And lastly, to all our surprise they had a blast in Disney World too. Well of course, it is afterall the happiest place on Earth!’
Submitted by Megha J
Travelling chef & artist with boundless impulse. Find random doodles & echoes of love & nature & everything here & in between @megha_jh