Meet the Couple that Founded Vertoe

Beyonce and Jay-Z. Barack and Michelle. Ellen and Portia.
…And Sid and Neha! Meet the couple that founded Vertoe, an on-demand, short-term storage company that allows individuals to safely store their bags around the city by partnering with store owners who have extra space in their shops.
A couple of years ago, Sid and Neha were on a month long multi city west coast trip with LA being the last stop. It was Neha’s first time and Sid was super excited to show her around. However, after they checked out of their Airbnb apartment they were burdened down by their luggage for over 6 hours and were ultimately unable to explore the city that they were so excited to visit. They were finally able to get rid of their bags by asking a local shopkeeper to store their luggage in the back of his shop. This event sparked the idea for a company that facilitates this process by partnering shop owners who have extra space with tourists who are looking for storage space.
After being scarred by the incident, they decided to dive deeper and through their research and they found out that over 30% of the traveler out of 2.1 billion trips in US have gone through this problem with no solution in the market. That is when they decided to design Vertoe.
Vertoe is an on-demand short term storage provider that connects people looking to safely store their bags/personal items to nearby shops & cafes that have space.
By using unused space in local shops, Vertoe is able to deliver a solution where you can conveniently book and access safe storage space within 5 min of where you are, for less than $6/day.
Sid and Neha chose the name Vertoe, since Vertoe without an ‘e’ in latin means ‘exchange’ or ‘transformation’. They wanted to verbalize the concept of “Your Instant Storage Space.”
Now, you can take advantage of the newest innovation in the tourism industry: on-demand short-term storage! With Vertoe, you can find on-demand short-term storage all around the city. For $5.95 per day, and with 100+ locations around NYC, Vertoe connects anyone looking to safely store their bags/items to nearby local shops that have space. This way, you won’t even have to leave all your bags at your hotel, you can simply put them nearest to where you may be, granting you the convenience of access to your bags at anytime!
Use code “vertoefirst” for an extra 5% off!